Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More about my amazing sister

Sorry, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to brag on my little sis. Also, sorry for SOOO many pictures of my children. What can I say? I'm a proud Mommy!

To answer Amanda's question (and anyone else who wants great kid pictures) my sister IS a professional photographer. She and her husband (Brian) both take wonderful pictures. She's just starting out, but as I've mentioned . . . She's AMAZING!
My husband and I both dislike going to portrait studios with the kids. With Bridget, it's such a wonderfully different experience because she follows the kids around and takes pictures of them in their own home or outside -- where they are comfortable and having fun. The pictures turn out awesome and the kids love it
Bridget lives in Augusta, GA but will travel. So that's my plug for the best photographer we know. (Oh, and I'm really not biased or anything.)

Here's the link:


Jen said...

the pictures are way cute! i wish she lived closer to El Paso, TX!! we're overdue for pictures. glad you have a blog. now i have one more connection to life in fort mill.

Laura said...

I love the pics. I will have to see if she can make some of us next time I am in Augusta. She did a great job. I can relate to your animal story. Not fun to have "rodents" in your house!:-) Love, Laura

jennifer j said...

I knew someone could relate! That's one of the many things I love about you, Laura. Miss you!