Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

Yes, I am stealing Amanda's wonderful idea for "Thankful Thursdays."
However, I'm not the diligent blogger that she is, so you probably won't see this every Thursday. But if you DO want to be encouraged every Thursday, check out Amanda's blog.
Today, I am thankful for:
Trees to climb
Beautiful warm weather
Healthy children
A loving husband
Good attitudes in trying times
Friends who listen
Victory Sports' tee ball coming up
Summer quickly approaching
My new Bible (Max Lucado's Devotional Bible)
Sweet toddler kisses

One of my little monkeys

My other little monkey


How do I get up there????

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

pictures FINALLY!!

Okay, it appears I am getting slacker and slacker. But I did JUST get my camera back this morning, so I did pretty good to post tonight. Here are the long awaited pictures. . . ENJOY!!

Jason's brother, Daniel entertaining the kids (or himself?)
Daniel and Brooke's youngest -- Elizabeth
Lenna and Mama Jean
more Lenna
and more Lenna (Can you tell I like having a girl?)
Daniel and Brooke's oldest -- Rebekah
Elizabeth getting ready for cake
Emily and Lucy
Jason reading to the little ones
Daniel reminiscing over old photos

We had green eggs and ham for breakfast!!!
Yes, I can eat ham with my 3 teeth
Say "cheese"
Daniel and Brooke's second oldest -- Bethany

Everyone had a great time at Lucy's 4th birthday party. We are so blessed to have family all living in the same area. And we are so blessed to have such precious children in our care.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"God is my best friend"

So sorry I have been so slack about posting lately. I will blame it on Jason because he's been confiscating my camera lately. But. . . that's not really fair because I DID have the camera this weekend, and I DID take some pictures, but I was too lazy to put them onto my computer and post them when I had the camera. Anyway, Jason's took the camera AGAIN so this will be another pictureless post.
I've been trying some new parenting techniques lately (another reason I have been a slack blogger) and this has resulted in some really sweet moments with my children. A couple of days ago, I was explaining to Palmer (my 3 yr old) that we want to please God with our words and with the way we talk to one another. He looked at me and in the sweetest voice said , "Mommy, God is my best friend." It was one of those moments that makes parenting worth it all.
Side note -- if anyone is interested in some different yet sound parenting advice check out this site: I always need all the parenting help I can get. Anyway, hopefully the next post will have pictures!!!!!!!!